Puppy Snatching
Puppy Snatching Mascot
Hate Mail
Our News Letter
How To Puppy Snatch
Weapons Not To Use
How To Transport Puppies
How Not To Transport Puppies
Hiding Spot For Puppies
Sounds Puppies Make When Snatched
Meet The Webmaster
Puppy Snatching Songs
Books I Recommend (That Don't Have To Do With Snatching)


Sitting pooch

Hello all visitors.  In case you didn't know, my name is Bostwick...Bostwick the Puppy Snatcher.  I snatch puppies.  It's my job.  You got a puppy?  Well I want it.  I snatch puppies in various ways...All unharmful of course.  But the use of weapons (nonlethal) sometimes is needed.  You can find out all of your puppy snatching questions here at Bostwicks Puppy Snatching Website!!!

Please check out the site! 

Brown doggy face

Sorry we haven't updated the site in a while. Been busy with all these puppies. A Puppy Snatcher apprentice just roasted a puppy for dinner...so uh...hang on...more will be added to the site soon!

Remember: You, the Puppy Snatcher, have the POWER.

Please note that this website is a joke so please do not take this serious...But if you are a Puppy Snatcher, sorry for mocking out your way of life.
This website is copyrighted. If you copy any information from this site, Official Puppy Snatching SiteŠ, you will have to pay a fee of $20,000 and go to jail for 5 months.